As the new workflow starts to take shape, we've noticed a few office items that cannot be split up... master keys, refrigerator, wall clock, paper shredder... oh, no! The paper shredder is vital! How will we keep sensitive data that we want to discard secured? We turn to our Budget Man and he says, "Sorry... No money!" What to do? I have come up with the perfect solution... it solves two problems at once... a true win/win situation!
Bring Willowby Bobbin to work as our in-house paper shredder! He's my two-year old pup and he loves to shred any paper product. He'll even do boxes. If it existed as a tree at one time, he loves to chew it up.
The other genius aspect to this plan is that if disgruntled users come to the Help Desk all we have to is point to Willowby and say, "Look! There's a cute, fluffy puppy who wants to play with you!" I guarantee it will work every time!
It also will keep me from missing him so much during the day. After all, he's my munchkin!
That's a cute little fella you got there. It's nice to hear about a pet that earns his keep like that. He must be a paper shredder extraordinaire!!
Yes, he certainly earns his keep and so much more! He's a treasure... I'm lucky to have him. :)
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