Friday, February 29, 2008

I have succumbed... the pressure of populating a MySpace page! The only reason I mention it here is that it does have a few more details about me than my blog. It's a smackdown of Details vs. Philosophy!


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Quote of the Day 02/26/2008

Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.

~Peter Ustinov
(1921-, British Actor, Writer, Director)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ok, ok... I know it's unpardonable. I have no excuse for not posting since last July. I am shamed to admit I left all of you hanging in the middle of my summer vacation. I will quickly summarize the rest of the D.C. family extravaganza: All's well that ends well. Ha!

It was wonderful and now that I look back on it, it was quite amazing that all 14 of us got together in one place for a whole week. It's now a precious memory.

This post is going to be a quickie... I've got Anthropology class tomorrow (which I love!) and I need to study. In other news, I am anxiously anticipating the concert in Asheville Monday night: James Blunt. His music is simply astonishing... Soulful. Inspiring. Click on his name above to get a taste of his musical stylings.

Check back soon to hear how I have started reversing hyperthyroidism (Grave's Disease) through nutrition. It's exciting stuff!
