Recently, I've had a resurgence of soulmate happenings. Hints that lead me to believe I'm on the verge of something very good. Whether waking or dreaming, the air around me almost seems heavy with those warm fuzzy feelings that a soulmate engenders. Music, which is very important to me anyway, has been imbued with a renewed idealism. I've had dreams just about every night on this very subject. Some I remember, others I just wake and feel cozy all over. Other times, I've had déjà vu. Overall, I've had a great sense of peace fall over me, which is very nice. The tricky part is I don't know who this person is. Could be someone I talk with everyday OR someone I've never met.
The concept of soulmates is esoteric, at best... To me, it means two people who are perfectly matched. Not that either is perfect, but the fit together is perfect. In a Platonic phrase, split aparts. Soulmates complement each other in ways that encourage growth, emotionally and spiritually.
Having said all that, I've had this feeling before and it petered out (obviously since I'm single). I am a romantic at heart, although I hide it well (I think!) in the practicality of everyday life. As I get older, I've come to realize that finding one special person is rather daunting. As such, I also believe that you can carve out a long and contented life with someone other than your soulmate. That doesn't diminish my faith and hope in finding my soulmate.
In other news, we scurrying around at work to deploy 290 computers before August 22nd. In three days we have rolled out 62 PCs. Shoo! I've come home everyday and just fallen out for an hour before I can motivate for the rest of the evening. There is light at the end of the tunnel: there is a finite number of these boogers. Eventually, it will get done. I really do enjoy it; the only problem is my BS tolerance strains under the hard physical labor!
Speaking of BS... I have to make mention of something that leaves me stunned silly: Cheney's declaration that he is neither in the Executive nor the Legislative branch of our government. Come on! Is he joking??? Does he really expect us to believe that he has the right to pick and choose which branch he wants to affiliate with when it's convenient for him? Puh-leeze!
My mini-family reunion is coming up soon. We will all be in D.C. on July 9th for a week. There will be 14 of us reuniting: my mother, my aunt, my grandmother, my three sisters and their families from all over the U.S. I am so excited about this trip. Not only does it satisfy my need to travel, but it also is a chance to reconnect with those who know me best. Whenever I visit with my family, it encourages me to rediscover facets of myself that may have been forgotten since childhood. 4 out of 5 of my nieces will be there and I can't wait to see how they've grown. They are each so wonderful in their own unique ways. (Holla, Morgan, Taylor, Carly, Erin and Kiowa!)
Before we reconnoiter in D.C., we'll be stopping in Collinsville VA where I'll get to visit with my dad, Jim. He's going to show me his cabin in the mountains. We may have time to go visit my great aunt and great uncle. They live on the family farm in Chatham, VA. Hopefully, I'll get lots of great pics to share with you all after I get back. I can't promise I'll be posting during my trip, but I'll sure give it the Harvard effort!
You say: "In a Platonic phrase, split aparts." What?
I think soulmatedness is often based on interlocking dysfunctions. Look out!
This time of year always gives me a glowing energy feeling, with the light and greenosity and all.
Sometimes I wake up and feel cozy all over due to my bladder being really full. See if that might be causing your unusual sensations.
Platonic=Plato... specifically, from The Symposium.
Yup, full bladder and time of year. I have another to add to that: full moon, which we had on Saturday. Full moons always affect me that way. As this is being written, I already feel it waning. :)
I know, too, that two people can have alternate forms of communication that have nothing to do with words or body language. And that they can also have parallel lives up until the point that they met... that's the sort of synchronicity I'm talking about when I refer to soulmates. Outside the locus...
I agree with you on the surface... I think a lot of people label their interlocking dysfunctions as "soulmates." This book I am reading about "twin souls" makes the case that soulmates encourage each other to grow, not enable them in their dysfunctions. It maintains that soulmates will, in fact, not be together if they don't do their work. Hmm... I rather agree with this. I believe that we all have work to do on this Earth and that it is our duty to continually grow, spiritually and emotionally... whether you get yer soulmate or not! :D
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