More random thoughts...
The above picture is of my sweet Willowby Bobbin. I took it with my Samsung mobile phone. Check out his long, dark eyelashes. It almost makes him look Egyptian.
Isn't it amazing how ants come in some many different sizes? How many other critters come in sizes as varied as ants and look exactly the same?
Did you know that "fauna" means "the animals characteristic of a region, period, or special environment?" I learned this from watching "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire."
Every morning I open the window in my bathroom as I am getting ready for work to let out the shower steam and let in the fresh air. At the new house, there is a cacophony of birdsong. I get a different symphony every morning.
I'll add more thoughts as they occur. I'd love to hear your random thoughts!
Random thoughts are good.
Willowby booby poopy puppy woopy! He's da woopy puppy! Woopy puppy! who's da best woopy doopy puppy? Awwww, he's da best one! yes he is!
Believe it or not, I actually did that to Willowby about two weeks ago. I got down on the floor and said (in a ridiculous voice), "Who's a Good Boy?!?!" I then collapsed into a mass of giggles for a full five minutes. Lol!
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