Current Read: Chill Factor by Sandra Brown
Current Mood: Exhausted, but content
Ok, so State didn't take the ACC title this year, but damn they played awesome bball! And I must be happy that a Carolina team took the title. :) Rah, rah Carolina! Carolina!
I just spoke with my Dad, Jim, to wish him a happy birthday. (Holla, Daddy-O!!) He's 29 again... forever young! Rock on, Dad! As we were chatting, he mentioned my blog needs correcting. If I want to root for the winner of the NCAA, then it's all about the orange and blue! Go Gators! So now I am rooting for UF. :) They are favored to be the champs again (they won on April 3, 2006 the NCAA title).
When I was visiting my Dad in July '05, he took me to the Butterfly Rainforest at the Florida Museum of Natural History. It's located on the campus of UF Gainesville. Check out my recent Flickr uploads to see what I saw. It was like being at the end part of a fairy tale. Butterflies were fluttering all around me while sunlight filtered through the glass dome. I was surrounded by lush vegetation that formed the butterfly habitat. Sharing it with my Dad was truly special. I believe he really enjoyed it, too. :)
Some of the most gorgeous pictures I've ever taken were on that trip to Florida. We visited the ghost town of Leno and Ogden Lake, St. Augustine, Silver Springs and Cedar Key. I'll be uploading more pictures I took from that trip. My Dad and I really "bonded" on that visit. It was great! Turns out I have a lot more in common with him than I ever knew. We both just like to chill. No pressures, no hectic schedules... just appreciating the simple things. I almost went scuba diving there.... but I kind of chickened out. Getting in the water with living organisms that could bite or nibble at me has taken me some time to get used to. Next time, maybe!
Dad's selling his house in Florida. :( I'm sure it won't be the last time I visit Florida though. Or my Dad for that matter! LOL!
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