Just when I thought Life could not get any better after the cruise, it did! I met the most amazing man I've ever known. We got to chatting via email and phone calls based on the advice his mother. She obviously saw some special compatibility there... I am compelled to agree with her! It's so different that all I can do here is attempt to relate elements of our relationship... keep in mind that all these elements are fully integrated and flow together.
Chad and I relate on a much different level than I've ever experienced. It's light-hearted and deep... fun and intense. We agreed early on to total honesty. That simple promise has catapulted a potentially good relationship into the most incredible closeness between two people. We share anything and everything ~ the most mundane of opinions to the deepest held beliefs. We certainly don't agree on everything (Thank God!) but we both maintain very open-minded perspectives. It's the most loving, non-judgmental and accepting relationship I've ever had. Respect and trust were simply there from the beginning. I never thought I'd meet anyone who had the similar blend of creative and logical aspects to his personality.
Neither of us are sure how the whole thing works... it just does. It's completely easy and comfortable. We share a very positive outlook and each of us actively learns from past mistakes and relationships. We have thrown out the dating rulebook... we are now building a real and solid foundation as we go along. We give each other space and we listen to each other with open, unbiased ears. Our strengths and weaknesses are evenly matched up... we end up teaching each other about a variety of things. Our individual interests are wildly divergent but we do share a passion for writing. He writes screenplays and I write poetry. He's a film industry aficionado and I am fascinated by anthropology.
The truth of this relationship ultimately found in the Time that stretches before it... I make no predictions here! I don't want to predict anything or apply any labels our relationship simply because I no longer worry about things like that. It just
is. I am so happy to be on the journey with him. That fact alone fills me with peacefulness and a quiet knowing.
I look forward to many, many years of challenging each other, to getting to know one another and to simply loving and sharing the journey together!